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Sustainable Work From Home Tips

In 2021, many people have to work from home. The effects of the pandemic have shown that it can be more beneficial to keep employees at home than in the office. Since many companies are working from home, it’s possible to create a sustainable environment. As a matter of fact, we encourage it! We can be efficient and eco-friendly from the comfort of our own home, even when we are hard at work.

For starters, since you are going to be home all day, adjust your morning routine! When using the sink for brushing your teeth and washing your face, be sure to turn off the faucet when you do not need it. To eliminate the waste that comes from your health care products, you can also shop from our sustainable beauty collection for things like our Rose Clay Face Soap Bar, or our Bamboo Charcoal Toothbrush. Both of these products will add a flawless touch to your sustainable morning routine!

Once you are out of the bathroom, you are ready to start the day. Make your way over to the thermostat, because adjusting it 2 degrees lower in the winter, and 2 degrees higher in the summer can save you so much energy in your home! Look around your house. See if there are any office appliances that you are not using at the moment. Unplug your printer, scanner, and laptop charger until you absolutely need it. As you are using your electronics, turn the brightness down. That, too, will conserve energy. If it is too dark to do this, consider letting as much natural light in, and change your work hours to fit within the bright hours of the day.

Since you work from home, it will not be as necessary to buy new clothes. When you do need new clothes, there is always the option of sprucing up your closet. If you wear your clothes beyond repair, make your way over to Movement Matters to find professional Vintage options to fit your Zoom meeting setting. Options like our 1960s Blue Dot Button Up will have you showing up and showing out, all from home! Supporting Slow Fashion when shopping is the way to go for a sustainable lifestyle.

Working from home doesn’t seem that bad anymore! With these tips, you can be living sustainably and happy in your home. Creating a plan to conserve energy will also give you a head start at a sustainable lifestyle outside of the workplace too. It’s a win-win situation for all of us, especially Mother Earth!

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